Domesticate Me!
  My beanie
After making a hat for the loved men in my life, I made my own to match my coat.

Real reason for posting this? I'm trying to stay awake while waiting in Charlotte for Daniel to pick me up.

  Nike hat knockoff... but better!
This is the Nike hat:
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It features headphones built in so that you can listen to your music in the cold.

This is mine:
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On the inside, there is a hidden brim that holds the pair of headphones. They're secured by velcro. I wanted to make them removable in case I make more hats.
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I just looked at Hancock... and there's gorgeous fleece on sale. Funny fleece. I mean, they have fleece with cats on it. Fleece with Yoda on it, Strawberry Shortcake, cow print... I reallly need to stay at home...
  Crocheted Shawn
I JUST now uploaded pictures off of my camera, and I realized I never posted the finished product:

My dive into knitting, sewing, cooking, and who knows what else...

06.06 / 07.06 / 08.06 / 09.06 / 11.06 / 12.06 / 01.07 / 02.07 / 04.07 / 05.07 / 09.07 / 01.08 /

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