Domesticate Me!
Hawaiian Village Lunch Bag
I saw hammertime's
Superhero Lunch Bag on Craftster, and I knew Daniel would love one. But I decided to make my own first out of the material I have before making his.
Unfortunately, I sewed the bottom of the bag to the top, so my little Hawaiian village motif is upside-down *headdesk*
Oh well. I'm still going to take it to band camp next week and the week after. It still needs velcro, but I don't know if I'm going to put any on mine unless i find iron-on velcro lol.

The upside-down print

The bag itself

At least the lining is pretty!
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Thank you for the compliments. I didn't design this site. All you have to do is get an account from There's also a link at the top right that says "get your own blog" that will take you right to it.
Kitty Sling!
I'm totally in love with those baby slings that people are carrying now. They're so much better than the carriers that hurt the parents' back. I'd love to send one to
my aunt in Germany that just had her baby. But they usually cost $50 0r more, and I'm having enough trouble finding the funds to knit up a
Katja for little Susanne.
And then there's
my baby, Pumpkin. He's a Ragamuffin cat that loves to follow me around the house and loves to be held. When I was younger, I used to carry him around the house in an extra bookbag. I wanted a sling just for him, but again, they're too expensive.
I have a sewing machine! I have a computer! I have internet!
I found a simple tutorial:, my kitty sling:

I love how his body rests right on my tummy :)

Sleepy face

What are you doin Ma? Stop playing with that silly flash box!

Floppy cat!
pirate pants! :D
I love Delia's lounge pants. They're soft, pretty, comfy, and for the first two times I wear them, they're long enough for my legs.
But you put them in the washer, and suddenly I'm another pair of pants short. I ended up cutting up my black ones so that they were knee-length. I hate frilly gauchos. My legs are too skinny to wear pants that act like skirts. These pants are perfect for that length.
I had one more pair of these pants and decided to make them into straight gauchos with a nice hem (because I can do that now). Instead, I made a casing.
Now I have pretty blue drawstring gauchos! Just in time for watching POTC2 tonight.
Tinkerbell Bag!
I had a yard of purple Tinkerbell fabric and finally made use of it. I used and modified this tutorial:
I LOVE this thing...

I snitched 2 buttons from my "button box" top and made my first successful button hole (there are two, but one of them decided to be mean).

It's Tinkerbell due to my students nicknaming me that after I used to cover them in glitter before performances :p Maybe I can make a real halloween costume this year, compared to my safety-pin-and-tulle disasterpiece of last year.
Under My Umbrella - FINISHED!
Just in time for my Myrtle Beach trip...

From one over-sized shirt and a too-small $1.00 tube top, I made a cute, comfy kimono top. I still want to put a wide silk ribbon around where I connected the two, but I'm happy with it for now... my first designer imitation. (Inspired by
this shirt)

I love how it appears that Paul is looking up at me :D

George is love
"You Killed It!"
At least that's what Daniel said when he walked in.
My dad got me Generation T yesterday and I decided to make my own patriotic outfit for the cookout we're having tonight.

EDIT: More pictures!
My dive into knitting, sewing, cooking, and who knows what else...