The Sewing Machine
May 22nd, I picked up Knitting for Dummies on a whim along with some yarn and needles. I started small, pulling my hair out and starting over and over and over again.
It seems so long ago. My first completed project was this:

A drawstring bag that was originally meant to hold a cell phone, but it was far too stretchy for my little phone, so it eventually turned into a catnip holder. I stitched up a few more catnip toys for my cats and my dad's gf Linda's cat Rosey. I delved into the archives and bookmarked every "mellow" pattern listed, skipping over the in-the-round projects and striping projects (so far my biggest threats as a novice knitter) and diving into other ones. I was very happy with my turnout of the finger "puppers" I tried. I made a
multi-colored pig and a fuzzy tiger and was pretty much done for.
Next was a
bonnet thingy and the bracelet, and finally started on a real scarf; one that's long enough to wear.
Linda bought the book Stitch n Bitch for me, and around the same time, I discovered DIY's Knitty Gritty. In S n B, there were two projects in the back for making a rolling needle case and a tote bag. With no sewing machine, I braved the needle case project, hand-sewing the entire thing. It was incredibly impressive, I must say, to put all that work into something and see it come out spectacular. I almost cried.

The next evening, I was sitting in the middle of the living room floor, resolving to sew the tote bag by hand as well. My dad and Linda came in to pick me up for dinner, and my dad set down in front of me a
brand new Singer sewing machine :D I literally jumped in glee. The evening got even better when my 13 pairs of bamboo needles and 4 sets of sock needles were delivered in the mailbox.
Last night, I finished the tote bag, turned out a brand new needle case for my DPNs and started on a t-shirt reconstruction from scraps. It's a surprise for Danny, so I can't say what it is yet, but I'm already very excited about finishing it :)

Stay tuned for more creations!