Domesticate Me!
Seija Set
I forgot to post this! I made a Seija Set for Daniel's baby cousin that's on the way. I used Simply Soft, because I love it like cookie dough.
I didn't like the way the original seatbelt hole was though, so I turned it into two, that way the seatbelt can lace right through and not hide the blanket. I also noticed that the braids give it a drawstring effect too if needed.
I didn't take a picture of the finished hat, but this is what I did get:

In other news, I'm dying to make a Vesper Lynd dress. It's the green one she wore in her "little finger" speech.
baby blue hat
After the last disastrous ear-flap hat, I tried another in a neutral color, and I'm quite happy this time. I want to wear it everywhere.
It's done in Jiffy. I just found out this color might be discontinued, which makes me quite sad, and now I must control myself from going to buy the rest.
Anyway, here it is.

My Pom-Pom! First one, and I adore it!
Crocheted hat

So after making some beanies, I thought myself qualified to make a hat with ear-flaps. Heh. At first it looked like a helmet, so I decided to add some fringe and a pom-pom. Except I didn't have a pom-pom maker.
So this is all I have for now.
It's not bad for a first try. I love the ear flaps, but I hate the non-pom-pom. And I think the fringe needs some trimming. I'll just have to make myself a crocheted Calorimetry...
Hat for Aran!

This is Alan. He's my long-lost brother. This is the hat I made for him for Christmas. This is Alan being drunk and happy.
Yay Alan.
My dive into knitting, sewing, cooking, and who knows what else...